Will we make it?
Will we make it?

[This article was published in the April 2008 issue of the eGov Magazine (http://www.egovonline.net) ]

Have national governments followed up on their commitment to the EFA goals? as the international community provided adequate support to national governments? Is the world, as a result, progressing towards EFA by 2015 and, if not, which are the goals that have been neglected and the countries or regions in greatest difficulty?

Asia news
Asia news

[This article was published in the April 2008 issue of the eGov Magazine (http://www.egovonline.net) ]

Asia News


Nirmala Shankaran
Co-Founder, Hey Math! talks about a different curriculum which is intended to provide students access to the best teaching methodology by collaborating with high performing Mathematics system

Implementation of ICT in Schools Under BOOT
Implementation of ICT in Schools Under BOOT

[This article was published in the March 2008 issue of the eGov Magazine (http://www.egovonline.net) ]

Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) provides an opportunity for private sector participation in financing, designing, construction, operation & maintenance

NIIT + Innovation = Math Lab!
NIIT + Innovation = Math Lab!

[This article was published in the March 2008 issue of the eGov Magazine (http://www.egovonline.net) ]

Making Math easy is something most of us identify as a good thing. In the case of NIIT and the US-based Key Curriculum Press Inc, a leading player in the field of software research and development for Math education,
