The Union Agriculture Ministry is launching more comprehensive project, named Agrisnet for framers to bride the gap between the virtual and real India.


The project named Agriculture Resources Information System Network (Agrisnet) under the consideration of the Government of Kerala, will allow farmers to access the internet and gather information on all aspects of farming from the kiosks to be put up at Krishi Bhavans. The Department of Agriculture and Cooperation is funding the project by INR 49.47-crore under the Ministry of Agriculture.


The main aim of the project is to provide hardware and Internet connectivity to the block level farmers. National Informatics Centre (NIC) is implementing the project. The project would be implemented as a joint venture between the central and state governments. According to Deputy Director, IT, of the Department of Agriculture, K P Harikumar, with the implementation of Agrisnet, internet kiosks would start at all the Krishi Bhavans in the state. Computerisation in 750 out of 1,008 Krishi Bhavans was done under the macro-credit scheme of Central Government in 2002-2003. 


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