The Tamil Nadu government has made high-profile appointments across several key positions. 1991-batch IAS officer N. Muruganandam has been named the new Chief Secretary of Tamil Nadu, taking over from Shiv Das Meena (1989 batch), who now assumes the role of Chairman of the Tamil Nadu Real Estate Regulatory Authority (TNRERA). In his new position, Meena will oversee the regulation and development of the state’s real estate sector.
G Lakshmipathy, a 2015-batch IAS officer and current District Collector of Thoothukudi has been appointed as the Joint Secretary to the Chief Minister. In a related move, IAS officer K Elambahavath, previously the Director of Public Libraries, will succeed Lakshmipathy as the new District Collector of Thoothukudi.
Also Read | N Muruganandam named Tamil Nadu’s 50th Chief Secretary
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