The Madhya Pradesh government, led by CM Dr Mohan Yadav, today launched a new policy to promote the animation, visual effects, gaming, comics, and extended reality (AVGC-XR) sector in the state at the Invest Madhya Pradesh Bengaluru Roadshow.
The policy is open for public consultation and aims to establish Madhya Pradesh as a hub for AVGC-XR industries, creating opportunities for employment and economic growth.
Key Highlights
- The policy will provide incentives and support for setting up AVGC-XR studios, developing infrastructure, and enhancing skills.
- It will focus on promoting indigenous content creation, IP development, and global collaborations.
- The state government will establish a dedicated AVGC-XR park and provide subsidies for setting up studios.
- The policy will also emphasise skill development, training, and education in AVGC-XR technologies.
Also Read | “Road to GIS” Series: Madhya Pradesh CM to engage with Tech Giants in Bengaluru
This policy launch marks a significant step towards positioning Madhya Pradesh as a leading destination for the AVGC-XR sector, fostering innovation, and driving economic growth.
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