Hitesh Vaidya, NIUA

Hitesh Vaidya
Director, National Institute of Urban Affairs

The G20 represents major developed and emerging economies of the world. With two-thirds of the world’s population living in these countries, G20 countries face numerous obstacles, including high risk of disasters that result in an average yearly loss of USD 218 billion, or 9% of their infrastructure investment. 80% of COVID-19 cases have been in G20 countries. And yet these countries have shown unparalleled resilience and strength to fight these challenges. Forums such as the G20 have a major role to play in steering inter-governmental dialogue, policies and actions towards sustainable and equitable development.

Urban20 (U20) is an important engagement group under the G20, which is a city diplomacy initiative that foregrounds the unique perspective of cities in the G20 agenda. By 2050, two thirds of the world population will be living in cities, putting a significant strain on the requirements of resources, and physical and social infrastructure. As cities become critical for enhancing economic productivity and driving climate change adaptation and resilience, the policies and practices adopted and propagated by cities will have a powerful impact on achieving global agendas of development.

The UNSDG recognizes this decade as a ‘Decade for Action’ to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals committed by cities and countries. Under the Chair-ship of Ahmedabad, the sixth cycle of U20 hopes to draft a roadmap for moving from ‘Intention to Action’ by closing the gaps between policy and practice at all levels of governance. This cycle highlights six priority areas critical for inspiring city-level actions to respond to global agendas. The goal is to mobilize the urban stakeholder ecosystem to drive systemic change towards encouraging environmentally responsible behaviour, ensuring water security, accelerating climate finance, championing local identity, reinventing urban governance and planning frameworks, and catalysing digital urban futures.

In order to spread awareness about urban issues and highlight the role of the U20 forum, eGov Magazine and the National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA) have joined hands to publish a special series on U20, focusing on issues and strategies related to the 6 priority areas of this cycle. This is the first of a 3-issue series that explores the significance of the Urban20, its objectives, and its role in promoting sustainable urban development. It highlights how the U20 is a unique opportunity to contribute towards shaping the global discourse on urban development.

NIUA, the technical secretariat for the U20 believes this is not just an opportunity to learn but a chance to showcase India’s innovative efforts to the world. NIUA believes that by collaborating with various stakeholders and utilizing innovative solutions, we can make a significant impact and transform cities into vibrant, liveable, and prosperous communities.

Together, we can create a better future for ourselves and future generations.


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