For the ongoing state assembly elections of Assam, Kerala, Puducherry, Tamil Nadu and West Bengal, the Election Commission of India (ECI) has augmented the use of IT applications to make the election process smooth and transparent. New and upgraded technical tools are being used in election planning for monitoring the election process.
The ambit of IT application associates itself with National level data compilation of electors, functioning at polling stations, work allocation of officers on duty, use of mobile application and technology, GIS technology etc.
Following are some of the major highlights of IT application and initiatives adopted by ECI:
The applications Samadhan, Suvidha, Sugam have been deployed in the poll bound States for facilitation and better election management–
Samadhan is a Public Grievance Redressal System which has been conceptualised as a Comprehensive system with multiple modes for receiving complaints (through online, toll free 1950), email, mobile application, fax, post, sms, online processing and tracking of complaints. An Android App for Public grievance redressal system has also been developed.
Suvidha is a single window system for Candidates and Political Parties to apply for permissions (Meetings, Rallies, vehicles, temporary election office, loudspeakers, helicopters and helipads etc). The ECI has issued directions to give permissions within 24 hours.
Sugam is a Vehicle Management System with the facility of issuance of requisition letters for vehicles, Capturing of vehicle details with address, mobile number and bank details of Owner & Driver, Transfer of vehicles from one district to another district etc. An Android App for Vehicle Management System (Sugam) has also been deployed.
Mobile Apps have also been developed for enhanced facilitation of voters. Following are some of the important mobile apps deployed in the elections:
Matdata – Android App for voters’ facilitation for search in Electoral Roll, Location of Polling Station etc.
Matdaan – Android App for Poll day monitoring at PS.
ELECOM – Android App for releasing election news / press release.
SMS Poll Monitoring – For collection of various types of information through SMS from Presiding Officer / Sector Officer, E-Counting – Android App for viewing counting trends / result
PGRS (Public Grievance Redressal System) – It provides single window common interface to the citizens for submitting their complaints. System forwards the complaints to appropriate authority and keeps the user informed about its progress. A mini call centre activity is also attached with this application.
Genesys & EVM Randomisation – First and Second randomization of EVMs
Pre Counting Application – For the collection of Candidate’s information related to Nomination.
Expenditure Monitoring & Candidate affidavit e-file:-EEMS (DEO Scrutiny Report) – Online monitoring and tracking system for election expenditure accounts lodged by the candidates to check for its correctness.
Abstract Statement of Candidate Expenditure – Online facility to candidates to submit their Abstract Statement of Expenditure online
Candidate Affidavit e-filing: – Candidate Affidavit e-filling software is targeted to help candidates submit affidavits online through internet and can be verified by RO later on.
ECRP Module – Election Commission Return Preparer Scheme where ECRP helps the Candidates in filing the affidavit and Abstract statement online.
Through all these IT facilitation measures, the Election Commission of India ensures that the entire election process is made smooth, hassle free, transparent and effective.
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