
It’s best served raw
It’s best served raw

[This article was published in the December 2010 issue of the eGov Magazine ( ]

Un-spun govt data, mixed with Internet technologies, often yields solutions that are instantly rewarding for societies

Face2Face is way to open govt
Face2Face is way to open govt

[This article was published in the December 2010 issue of the eGov Magazine ( ]

Govt can use social media as a potential goldmine for to-and-fro exchange of citizen views on public and policy matters

A notch below the cloud?
A notch below the cloud?

[This article was published in the December 2010 issue of the eGov Magazine ( ]

Since cloud computing is the buzz word today, the trend towards adoption of private cloud and virtualisation is going to increase over the next few years, as unless you virtualise, you cannot move towards private clouds

Making of a digital state
Making of a digital state

[This article was published in the November 2010 issue of the eGov Magazine ( ]

Integration of paper documents with an electronic workflow system has to be a cornerstone of e-Governance

Can it rain for the govt?
Can it rain for the govt?

[This article was published in the November 2010 issue of the eGov Magazine ( ]

Issues around security, standardisation and availability for public cloud exist, but private clouds can be a safe bet for govt

Too many positives to ignore
Too many positives to ignore

[This article was published in the November 2010 issue of the eGov Magazine ( ]

Benefits include improved patient care and upkeep of medical assets, and also a potential to curb fake drugs menace
