ICT’s Role in Disaster Relief and Warning
ICT’s Role in Disaster Relief and Warning

[This article was published in the January 2005 issue of the eGov Magazine (http://www.egovonline.net) ]

This section brings about diverse, interesting stories where ICT tools like Internet, Ham radio, community radio, mobile phones have played some role in disaster warning, relief and reuniting
survivors. It also tells how ICT can become a major component in disaster management and a few lessons, which should guide us in future.
We might have missed some important ones. If you have any such story to share, we would like to hear from you.

WCI Empowering The Community:Awakening rural India through CICs
WCI Empowering The Community:Awakening rural India through CICs

[This article was published in the September 2004 issue of the eGov Magazine (http://www.egovonline.net) ]

Two years later, today, I look back with pride about the achievements of these telecentres known more popularly as Community Information Centres. And I also look forward to WCI replicating this success locally and globally.
