In a significant move to bolster the electronics and semiconductor industry in Madhya Pradesh, the Madhya Pradesh State Electronics Development Corporation (MPSEDC) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the India Electronics and Semiconductor Association (IESA). The MoU was formalised during the Invest Madhya Pradesh Bengaluru roadshow on 8th August 2024, under the aegis of “Interactive Session on Investment Opportunities in Madhya Pradesh.”
This strategic partnership aims to create a robust ecosystem for electronics and semiconductor manufacturing in the state. Through this collaboration, MPSEDC and IESA will focus on policy development, industry engagement, and fostering a conducive environment for investments. The agreement is expected to attract significant investments in the electronics sector, providing a strong foundation for the industry to thrive.
The roadshow in Bengaluru served as a platform for Madhya Pradesh to showcase its potential as a lucrative destination for investments in electronics and semiconductors. The MoU between MPSEDC and IESA is a testament to the state’s commitment to driving growth in this high-tech sector.
This partnership marks an important step towards establishing Madhya Pradesh as a key player in India’s electronics and semiconductor landscape, aligning with the state’s broader vision of becoming a hub for innovation and technology.
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