Chandan Dange
Director Technology, Ultimate ITPL
Tell us about the Election Management Project, with which you have been involved in Maharashtra.
The Election Management Project has been conceptualised to conduct local body and urban local body elections in a transparent, fair and efficient manner. The common voter is at the focal point of this initiative. The project is aimed at making concise and unbiased information available to citizens. Voters are able to learn about who the candidates are in their ward, they can also learn about their ward number, their name in the voter’s list and the details of their polling centre. The Election Management Project also serves the purpose of addressing the challenges of election officer and election staff.
What are the important features of your e-Yadi solution?
Ultimate ITPL is a pioneer in solutions, which enable us to prepare centralised voter list. This solution consists of application software, document generation and printing services. Ultimate’s e-yadi application is available in web based and standalone editions. The Election Management Project is currently using our web based edition, with which election staff can work from practically anywhere, and prepare ward wise or polling booth wise voter lists. Before the coming of e-yadi service, the process of electoral roll preparation used to involve drudgework of manual cutting, pasting and copying. Chances of single voter getting added into multiple wards were common. The strict monitoring system could not be established, as result of which electoral roll preparation process was full of loop holes. At times these loop holes got misused by corrupt social elements. e-Yadi has ushered in a regime of perfect transparency that can be monitored through centralised as well as decentralised methodologies.
Tell us about the photo electoral roll that can be generated through e-yadi.
The e-Yadi platform facilitates generation of photo electoral roll. When voter’s photograph is available on voter list, identification becomes easy. Bogus voting numbers come down drastically. One of the advantages of having centralised software is that it makes it possible for us to have data available at a single place. However, the creation of printed electoral roll involves moving data across multiple processing stations. We have partnered with large printing houses and distribution networks to generate the photo electoral roll and make them available at distant places.
Tell us about the voter search engine.
Voter search engine has been linked to Maharashtra SEC website since June 2011. Initially it helped voters find their names in voters list from a database of about 8 crores. This service has been enabled so that voters may register or apply for routine tasks like name change, address modification etc. As electoral roll formation process started, search results also provided information like ward names, polling booth addresses etc. Voter Search engine is also available as Web Based as well Mobile Text Message based service. On the day of election, Mumbai Corporation alone received 40 search requests per second. Pune, Pimpri Chinchwad, Nasik and Nagpur also followed heavy amount of requests.
Tell us about the Cloud Based solutions that you have developed for election process?
Ultimate has partnered with Nasik based ESDS data centre company to establish a highly efficient system for State Election Commission. eNlight is home grown cloud computing platform that improves efficiency leads to great savings in terms of cost. The carbon footprint of cloud based systems is also quite low.
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