The Citizen Service Module is fully compliant with the Sakala initiative, enabling citizens to access 17 RDPR services with just a few clicks on their mobile devices. In accordance with the Karnataka Guarantee of Services to Citizens Act of 2011, citizens in the state of Karnataka are guaranteed timely delivery of services and reduced delays. Additionally, service delivery reports are publicly available to enhance transparency and accountability shares, Uma Mahadevan IAS, Additional Chief Secretary, Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Department, Govt. of Karnataka with Krishna Mishra of Elets News Network (ENN).
Karnataka has been a pioneering state in introducing a five-year plan. In your opinion, why is participatory planning important? How is the RDPR Department ensuring its effective implementation?

The State of Karnataka has been making consistent efforts in improving the Social and Economic Development Status enabling the improvement of the Human Development Status. However, despite conscious efforts to ensure equitable development, regional disparities and intra-district disparities exist.

The Karnataka Gram Swaraj and Panchayath Raj Act, 1993 Section 309-B, states that every Gram Panchayath must prepare compulsorily a Perspective Plan for 5 years within 3 months of its constitution.

In line with the Act, The Perspective Plan is envisioned to help achieve overall development and provide socio-economic justice to the economically weaker section of the rural society through a bottom’s up planning process that gives due importance to the priorities of the rural communities through a participatory people planning approach.

The annual planning exercise (preparation of GPDP or the individual scheme plans) mainly focuses on development works and enhancement of Infrastructure. While the latter is important, through Perspective Planning, Grama Panchayats would be able to formulate for themselves a Vision Document outlining the hopes and priorities of its people across Sectors such as Health, Education, Natural Resource Management, Poverty and Livelihood, Women and Child Development etc.
Leveraging technology, democratic and inclusive participation is being encouraged:
- GeoTagged FGDs and PRAs ensure that all the voices even those of the remotest areas are heard.
- Habitation and Village wise FGDs provide an inclusive avenue to discuss the varied challenges being faced.
- The Draft Perspective is made available to the Citizens to provide feedback. A citizen feedback report is also made available for the public to refer to whether their feedback was considered.
- Line department officials, NGOs, and retired officials are part of the Village and GP Planning Teams
- The Draft Perspective Plan is reviewed at multiple levels by people through Ward Sabha, Planning Standing Committee Meetings, General Body Meetings, Grama Sabha etc.
All in all, the Perspective Plan Module at its core rests upon increasing people participation, deepening democracy and providing the people with their right to be part of what their Grama Panchayat should aspire for.
In your opinion, how significant has the initiative of digitisation of all the meetings being scheduled and conducted at the grassroots level?
The very first and one of its kind in the country, the Meeting Management Module of Panchatantra 2.0 facilitates a completely automated, configurable workflow of all the Meetings of the Grama Panchayat, substituting the paper-based manual process making the meetings more participatory, transparent and compliant.
Participation of Elected Representatives, People, Women, etc. is encouraged as default participants are system assigned depending on meeting type. Meeting Notices are digitally generated and shared via SMS with all the participants improving attendance through timely notification of meetings. Biometric attendance is captured and the option to upload leaves is provided which would help address and reduce the cases received under Section 43 (A) – Attendance of ERs in meetings.
Decision points are captured in real-time against each Agenda point and agreement/disagreement of each ER is noted respectively. Digital Proceedings are also generated on the same day reducing the scope of tampering with the proceedings. The Proceedings are shared via SMS with all the ERs improving sharing of information and thereby accountability.
The Meeting Management Module is a great example of how technology can be used to bring about behavioural change and discipline. For example, drafting of agendas, timely scheduling and conducting of meetings, regular attendance etc.
Panchatantra 2.0 Solution developed by the RDPR department is said to improve transparency and accountability. Could you please elaborate as to how the Solution is achieving this?
One of the key Modules of the P2.0 Solution is “Panchamitra” Panchamitra, is a single point of access that proactively discloses Key details of the Grama Panchayat to the Public. The public can access information related to Elected Representatives, GP Government Staff, GP Staff, Meeting & Revenue details, general information about the Grama Panchayat Office, and events and initiatives conducted at the Grama Panchayat among other details. It is a one-stop information centre accessible to and by all.
The Citizen Service Module which provides 17 RDPR Services to the citizens with only a click of their mobile is Sakala Compliant. The Karnataka Guarantee of Services to Citizens Act, 2011 provides the guarantee of services to citizens in the State of Karnataka within the stipulated time limit and for matters connected therewith and incidental thereto. It ensures timely delivery, reducing delays. Service delivery reports to have been made available to the public to increase transparency and accountability.
Also Read | Karnataka’s RDPR Department pioneers tech solutions for rural inclusion
Provision for Day Book Closure, Digital Generation of Payment Vouchers, Transfer Vouchers, Digital Certificates and Receipts and Digital Mode of Payments increase effectiveness and build further trust in the system. While technology is only an enabling factor, the aim is to improve transparency and accountability across PRI Levels and Governance.
The Digital Library Initiative is another feat of the RDPR Department. Please tell us about the initiative and its achievement so far.
The majority of the GPs of the State has undertaken varied measures which are calling the attention of the entire nation. The GPs have taken the initiative to establish Digital Libraries on their premises. Across the State, approximately 30 Lac school children have been registered as members. GPs conduct various activities such as games, read-aloud distribution of books etc. to encourage reading, improve children’s participation and enhance access to knowledge resources.
Going forward, GPs are to become sources of information for GP Schemes, funds, available benefits, Perspective Plan information, employment information, agriculture information etc.
The aim is to make GPs a self-sufficient knowledge powerhouse.
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