How Secure is Our Data?
How Secure is Our Data? Information security can only be managed when significant emphasis is placed on securing data Ruchin Kumar, Principal Solution Architect, India […]

Opportunities Abound!
Opportunities Abound!

[This article was published in the March 2011 issue of the eGov Magazine ( ]

XaaS is less pure technology and more about how companies can harness a powerful technology to cut cost and lift efficiency

Data Centre
Data Centre

[This article was published in the November 2009 issue of the eGov Magazine ( ]

Currently, in its transition period, India is witnessing rigorous deployments of IT systems not just in private sector, but in government, as well. Being the e-Backbone of public and private bodies, and hosting the information, centrally and securely, Data Centres have enhanced the manner in which services are delivered.
