M Akhaya

M AkhayaM Akhaya, IG of Police, Director, State Crime Records Bureau, Bhubaneswar, Odisha

Odisha Police istaking a majorstep for facilitatingdelivery of betterservices to the citizensby launchingthe pilot implementation of CCTNS project.This project will enable the police to maintainall its crime and criminals data in onlinesystem. Citizens will be able to access policingservices online in a hassle free manner. Hon’ble Chief Minister of Odisha, Sri Naveen Pattnaik,inaugurated the pilot launch of CCTNS projecton 12th January 2013 in 56th Senior PoliceOfficer’s Conference in the two pilot districtsof Angul and Kendrapada. Implementationin other districts of Odisha is under progress;by end of the year the policing systems will goonline and policing services will be availableon click of button.

Citizens Centric Services

CCTNS project implementation across thecountry will enable the citizens to have betteraccess to policing services. Citizens will nothave to visit the police station multiple timesto register their cases. Sitting at home a citizencan log into the citizen portal and register theircomplaint and grievances. Citizens can submitrequests/services, which include passportverification services, general service petitionssuch as No Objection Certificate (NOC) for job, NOC for vehicle theft, NOC for lost cellphone/passport, licences for arms, processions,etc. Citizens can track the status of theirpassport verification, etc.

In Odisha Right to Public Service Act will beimplemented, under which 13 police services willbe covered, and police departments will provideservices to citizens within a time frame. CCTNSwill enable the citizens to request for these servicesonline and police department will have toprovide the services within time frame else finewill be applicable on the individual responsiblefor the delays. Application will give triggers andalerts to the responsible police personnel toexecute the work and deliver the service in timeto the citizens. Citizens will get benefits in termsof better and quick services.

In Odisha special emphasis has been given tokeep track of Naxal-related problems and stateis developing system to manage informationrelated to Naxal crimes and incidents, trackthe movement of Naxal and their hideoutsusing the GIS-based maps. Also Odisha Policeis developing traffic management, which willassist state in planning for the traffic movementin major crossing, CCTVs are being installedand these will be integrated with traffic managementsystem to keep better surveillance of roadsand manage vehicular traffic.

Implementation of CCTNS

In Odisha, the CCTNS project is being implementedby State Crime Records Bureau. Thebureau is being guided and advised by othertop officials from Government of Odisha andpolice department. Implementation is beingdone as per the MHA guidelines and implementedas bundle of services.

State has selected NIIT Technologies Ltd for delivering the “bundle of services” comprising

• Hardware (supply, commissioning, implementation and maintenance)

• Digitization of legacy/ existing data and migration of existing electronic data. All historical records last 10years will be digitized by SI. M Akhaya, IG of Police, Director, State Crime Records Bureau, Bhubaneswar, Odisha M Akhaya CCTNS March 2013 / egov.eletsonline.com / egov 37

• Customization and enhancement of Application software provided by NCRB

• Management of Data Centre & Disaster Recovery Center

• Training and Change Management

• Handholding Support to police stations

Network Connectivity is being providedby BSNL in coordination with SI and otherstakeholders. BSNL will be providing connectivityat 784 locations through either Pointto Point Leased Line through Odisha SWAN,VPNoBB, or VSAT connection. Specialemphasis has been given to connect all naxalaffected area in Odisha with VSAT connectivity.Deloitte has been appointed as State ProjectManagement Unit (SPMU) for monitoring,review and coordination of implementation ofCCTNS in Odisha.

Pilot Implementation

Pilot implementation has been undertaken inAngul and Kendrapada district covering 46locations including police stations and higheroffices. Each of these locations has been provided with IT infrastructure and network connectivityto perform work electronically.

Police personnel from these pilot districtsare being provided training on CAS and otherinfrastructure so that they can work on system.Working on the online system will bring holisticchange in the approach of working of thepolice department and special emphasis hasbeen given in providing training to the policepersonnel in IT system. This will also enablepolice personnel to improve their skills in ITand in future enable them to handle the onlinefrauds and other cases.

Now FIRs are being registered in the CASonline and other policing services will betaken up online by March 2013. Citizenportal is currently under testing and will belaunched soon for the citizens to access to thepolicing service online.

Under the project, historical case records will be digitised for the 10years. Data digitisation of the case records has been started in the pilot districts to keep digital records of all cases. This will help in quick search of historical data and generation of analytical reports and statistics.

CCTNS Data Centre

Odisha State Data Centre in OCAC is hosting the centralised infrastructure of Odisha CCTNS project wherein different facilities are available such as high security both  physical and data security, 24 hrs power backup, high speed network connection, etc.

Centralised servers will host the Core ApplicationSoftware in high availability mode withproper backup plan and Disaster RecoveryCentre at different seismic zone at New Delhi.In case of any damage to the data centre thedisaster recovery centre will have repository ofall data and planning for business continuity isto be taken in subsequent phase.

Security aspects in CCTNS

Keeping the type of data being handled inpolice department, security has been the mostimportant and critical factor for CCTNS projectfrom the planning phase itself.

CCTNS Odisha core data centre infrastructurehas been installed in a state-of-the-arttier-II data centre (Odisha State Data Centre,OSDC) of international standard owned by IT department of Government of Odisha.Multiple security aspect has been taken intoconsideration during the implementation ofCCTNS project.

Firewall and IPS has been installed which will protect servers and application from any unauthorized access from outside the world and within the department.

Anti Virus and Anti Spam has been installed to keep the application and client systems secure from the attack of virus, Trojans and spam. This will also act as a centralized system for updating the virus definitions on the systems across Odisha police offices.

Core Application Software (CAS) is an enterprise class client/server application, which authorizes user login through formbased authentication and role-based authorization. Web connections are through powerful Secure Socket Layer (SSL). CAS users IDs are linked with Active Directory (AD) to map one-to-one mapping with system IDs to CAS user IDs.

Hardware security module is used, which  will digitally sign and encrypt critical data, to secure the application, databases, data in transit, etc.

CCTNS setup in Odisha is planned for ISO 27001 certification to match with the industry standards.

Managing Change

The police department is undergoing a massive transition period, where a significant change is coming due to the CCTNS project. In the CCTNS, Odisha project, the change management initiatives are focusing on acceptance and willingness of the police officials to accept this project. To build the acceptance and willingness of the police officials, they need to gain knowledge on CCTNS application, which will build the skills. Henceforth, the same built skills will help to develop attitude for using the new application.

Currently, the identified SI is doing continuous rigorous training (hands-on) on application usage and support. Few change management workshops along with motivational
exercises have been conducted at the pilot districts to build the acceptance and attitude. It has been a prime focus of SCRB for carrying out and ensuring effective trainings
and change management workshops for police officials at Odisha.

CCTNS once implemented across the state will help citizens to get policing services electronically, including lodging complain online, getting general services such as requests for certificates, verifications and permissions.

Police personnel will get enhanced tool for investigation and they will have reduced burden to entering data repeatedly at multiple registers. Police personnel will have enhanced tool to analyze crime patterns, modus operandi, analyze accidents and other road incidents. Centralized crime and criminal information repository along with the criminal images and fingerprints with advanced search capabilities. It will bring about transparency into the system with lesser chances of manipulation.

Electronic records will help is sharing crime and criminal information across the state and help in analysing the problems at central level and provide tools for better decision making at the top.


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